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Tashlich at the creek (unfacilitated, on your own time)

October 3 - 23 on your own time


Fairview, NC 28730, USA

Come on your own to do tashlich. We will provide stones/sand for you to drop into a creek as part of your journey of teshuvah (repentance and repair).

Tickets are not on sale
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Tashlich at the creek (unfacilitated, on your own time)
Tashlich at the creek (unfacilitated, on your own time)

Time & Location

October 3 - 23 on your own time

Fairview, NC 28730, USA

About the Event

You will receive our address upon registration, along with a description of where to access the creek.

In many Jewish communities, people go to a flowing body of water to do tashlich (symbolically cast away their sins), starting on Rosh Hashanah until Hoshana Raba/the 7th day of Sukkot (except not on Shabbat). In Jewish mysticism, water represents chesed (lovingkindness), and by casting our sins into the water, we implore the Divine to treat us with chesed. This ritual is not a replacement for teshuvah, which means the work of examining our deeds, repairing our impacts, changing our behaviors, and apologizing to those we have hurt.

From October 3 - 23, you are welcome to do tashlich here. We will provide stones/sand for you to drop into the creek as part of your journey of teshuvah (repentance and repair). Please only use the provided stones/sand and not anything you bring yourself – we ask this to protect the health of our creek.

This offering is unfacilitated. You can visit the creek at Yesod Farm+Kitchen on a day that works for you. There isn’t any electric lighting, so please come during the daylight.


The site is on mostly flat gravel that can be parked on. Please email with any accessibility requests and questions.


Please reserve 1 ticket per guest. Participation is free, and we welcome donations to support Yesod Farm+Kitchen. We encourage BIPOC to sign up for free tickets, and white community members to make a personally meaningful contribution, if you’re able. We also encourage you to join Yesod in making a donation to the Reparations Stakeholder Authority of Asheville (RSAA).

Questions? Email

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